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July 02, 2021 2 min read

We sat down and had a chat with UK based tall babe Zanna Van Dijk! Zanna is founder of sustainable the swimwear brand Stay Wild, an active lifestyle creator and blogger, and an all-around boss babe!

You can find her on Instagram @zannavandijk
Keep reading to find out more... 


Zanna van Dijk 


6 foot 2


Surrey, England 


Blogger & brand founder. 

Describe yourself in three words

Optimistic. Driven. Outdoorsy

What does a typical day look like for you?

It changes every single day! I could spend 12 hours at my laptop, be hopping between meetings in London, spend a day at our swimwear factory or be leading a group hike in the countryside! My job combines so many different elements from swimwear design through to editing YouTube videos, and everything in between. 

What do you love most about being tall?

It makes me stand out from the crowd. You can’t miss me if I walk past you in the street!

What’s your favourite piece of clothing from Height-of-Fashion?

The Classic Mum Jeans, they’re the perfect length on my lanky legs and the ideal fit for wearing in a multitude of ways. 

What’s your best styling tips for other tall babes?

Don’t be afraid to get your legs out, their length is a strength. People would love to have such long limbs, so show them off! Mini dresses are your friend. 

Heels or no heels?

Heels, always. 

Who are your tall inspirations?

Jojo Barr, our interior designer. She dresses well, owns her height and is an all round badass. 

What would you like to see more of for tall women?

Speaking of mini dresses, ones for tall girls which don’t expose our bum cheeks!

How did you feel about your height growing up and what is one thing you’d like to say to your younger self?

I always embraced my height, which I feel very lucky for. My parents never made a fuss and nobody at school took the mick out of me for it. I was just known as the tall girl, but wasn’t ridiculed. 

If I could go back though I would say to stop listening to everyone who said “you’re tall, you should be a model”. I went to a few agencies and I knew in my heart it wasn’t for me, but I didn’t let it go for ages because everyone told me I should do it. In reality, I was never cut out for that world and I shouldn't have been pushed to try it just because of my build. I wish as a young girl I had listened to my gut rather than chasing something other people wanted me to do.